With a global presence, 18 subsidiaries and about 3000 employees worldwide KaVo has been a leader in dental technology over the past century. KaVo founded in 1909 in Berlin-Steglitz and since then has been developing, manufacturing and selling dental products of the highest quality and set new standards in the market.


A couple of their products, dental chairs E50 Standard Life Style and Compact chair needed a smooth wheel solution for KaVo:s ability to fulfill certain market demands. The requirement was that a dental chair must be rolled away at times when the patient cannot leave the chair due to anesthesia, but for some reason must be moved out of the room. On special occasions, the chair also need to be moved to make way for a patient bed.


The solution for a portable dental chair should be sturdy and easy to install on the existing chair models. It should also be cost-effective, compact and not protrude too much and potentially cause injury to their ankles when they work with a patient.

Stefan Mejerwall, who was involved in the design explains:

– We have rotatable wheels in every corner of the plate which is pressed against the floor and thus raise the chair by means of a foot pedal. When the chair is raised on the wheels can be easily moved in all directions by a person.

Part of the project was to go from handmade pre-series design to launch series production so that KaVo would get the product delivered in packaging directly from the manufacturer.

The project was delivered on time and budget.


Christer Burtus, Service Manager at KaVo and responsible for the project, is pleased with the results.

– Based on customer feedback we conclude that the equipment was well received, says Christer. Interest is high and the end product is well in line with expectations.

“We have a fruitful cooperation and look forward to continuing to work together with SVEKON, with adaptions of our products that are developed in Germany and also with new projects.”

Christer Burtus, Service Manager, KaVo.